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We also show the calculated x-ray intensity for a range of atmospheric abundances for Jupiter and Saturn and for a number of solar irradiance spectra. The model calculations are compared with recent x-ray observations of Jupiter and Saturn.
xmm newton z books.google.com
The underlying procedure was revised and extended in the scope of this work to suit the purpose of a default correction tool. A script package was developed to largely automate the necessary steps for validation purposes and future updates.
xmm newton z books.google.com
We present an analysis of X-ray and UV data obtained with the XMM-Newton Observatory of the long-period dwarf nova RU Peg.
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Covered: Physics in the core of clusters; Physics of merger events; The dark matter content and distribution; The role of non-gravitational processes and the ICM enrichment; Observation of high z clusters and the evolution of cluster ...
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The first half of this book introduces the history of high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy and different generations of X-ray spectrometers.