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This volume, the first of a two-part series, covers topics including historical, ecological and evolutionary considerations, genomics and molecular biology, and interaction of phages with their hosts.
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Mter the discoveryof the tobacco mosaic virus by D. I. Ivanov skU in 1892 [14], the new science of virology was born and began to develop rapidly.
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The fact that none of the known DNA polymerases is able to initiate DNA chains but only to elongate from a free 3' -OH group raises the problem of how replication is initiated, both at the replication origin and on Okazaki frag ments.
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Photographs, line drawings, and electron micrographs of phages are also included. With its broad approach, this book is a useful reference for microbiologists, hematologists, and infectious disease researchers.
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A comprehensive compendium of scholarly contributions relating to bacterial virulence gene regulation. • Provides insights into global control and the switch between distinct infectious states (e.g., acute vs. chronic). • Considers key ...
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This volume, the first of a two-part series, covers topics including historical, ecological and evolutionary considerations, genomics and molecular biology, and interaction of phages with their hosts.
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With strong emphasis on microbial population biology and distilling cutting-edge research into basic principles, this book will complement other currently available volumes.
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I also have added a glossary to assist students with unfamiliar terms. This edition offers a greater emphasis on molecular biology and genetics than was present in either of the previous editions.