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These are presented in facsimile format.
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België, jaar 1750. De kleine Bellem en zijn mysterieuze moeder gaan naar de beroemde burcht Reinhardstein, waar het kind de Markies van Mauban een vreemde brief geeft waaruit blijkt dat hij de zoon is van de fee Melusine.
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An amusing story of crime and love in the Big City. 3000 Words This edition includes all 14 sexy illustrations to the five stories as well as the pulp cover to all five stories, plus a GALLERY of 10 pulp covers from issues that feature ...
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Focus On Death – Five Stories from the Casebook of Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective.
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It wasn't until after she'd kept her clandestine appointment that he had a real idea of how big a job he'd taken upon himself 5200 Words This edition includes all 20 sexy illustrations to these stories, plus the pulp covers for all 8 ...
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Dan Turner works on another mystery in "Daughter of Murder"
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Paulette was a simple maid to Pierre Franchard a young and talented sculptor. She hopes that he will notice her, but alas so far Pierre has not truly seen her… that was all about to change with a daring plan!
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Mystery Tales, March 1940 BLOOD FOR THE VAMPIRE DEAD by Robert Leslie Bellem Author of “Curse of the Lovely Torso,” etc.
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Hank Bickford had just settled down with a book and a highball when there came a soft knock upon the door of the apartment.