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Paola Brusasco's study offers an original insight into Sri Lankan literature in English and an exploration of cultural, social, and linguistic issues at the basis of the country's ethnic conflict.
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... Brusasco A see Menni S Brusasco V see Cerveri I Brusasco V see Corsico A Brusasco V see Milanese M Brusasco V see Pellegrino R Brusasco V see Rodarte JR Brusasco V see Silvestri M Brusasco V see Song P Brusati C see Drago F Brusati C ...
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... Brusasco Commentary : G 1/8 Artaserse , aria , " Dimmi , che un empio sei . " The score lacks the hn pts . Spine : Raccolta / di arie / Tom . XVII . / Serie Moderne . The vol . has the bookplate of the Conte di Brusasco . Call number ...
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This work provides a general framework for the interpretation of other sites where textual evidence is absent or not in context.
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... Brusasco 1999–2000. 24. Brusasco 1999–2000, p. 94–103. 25. Pflanzner (1996) et Brusasco (1999–2000) pour l'Afrique ; Stone (1981) et Brusasco (1999–2000) pour l'Iran. Alep ottomane pour Stone (1996). 26. Diakonoff 1985, p. 47–50 et 1996 ...
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... Brusasco V , Crapo R , Viegi G. General considerations for lung function testing . Eur Respir J 2005 ; 26 : 153-61 . Brusasco V , Crapo R , Viegi G. Interpretative strategies for lung function tests . Eur Respir J 2005 ; 26 : 948-68 .
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... Brusasco of Old Babylonian houses at Ur ( Brusasco 1999-2000 ) . Here Brusasco studies . houses from four excavated parts of the city , totalling seventy - nine buildings , using textual and archaeological / ethnographic approaches as ...
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... Brusasco's analysis of the Old Babylonian houses at Ur, where access to the family chapel and private archives could be controlled by the suite of rooms inhabited by the head of the household in a multi‐family house (Brusasco 1999–2000 ...
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... brusasco and baker pointed out the need to combine where possible textual and archaeological sources to substanti- ate conclusions on building and social structure.53 this strategy is also used by Kertai (this volume) in his ...