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bsd unix z books.google.com
Apply the skills you learn from this book to use and administer servers and desktops running FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, or any other BSD flavor.
bsd unix z books.google.com
This practical guidebook explains not only how to get a computer up and running with the FreeBSD operating system, but how to turn it into a highly functional and secure server that can host large numbers of users and disks, support remote ...
bsd unix z books.google.com
This book contains comprehensive, up-to-date, and authoritative technical information on the internal structure of the FreeBSD open-source operating system.
bsd unix z books.google.com
This answer book provides complete workig solutions to the wxercises in the definitive Design and Implementation of the 4.3bsd UNIX Operating System.
bsd unix z books.google.com
This book describes the design and implementation of the BSD operating system--previously known as the Berkeley version of UNIX.
bsd unix z books.google.com
This book will turn regular users into power users and system administrators into super system administrators.
bsd unix z books.google.com
This book will turn regular users into power users and system administrators into super system administrators.
bsd unix z books.google.com
This book is the ultimate reference for both beginners and power users to PC-BSD—the free, easy-to-use operating system based on FreeBSD.
bsd unix z books.google.com
FreeBSD is a powerful, flexible, and cost-effective UNIX-based operating system, and the preferred server platform for many enterprises.