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Beginning with an extensive discussion of spiritual practice and moving into specific teachings on Dhamma, this book will be an indispensable resource for Theravada Buddhists, Insight Meditation practitioners, and all readers interested in ...
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Translated from the Thai by Santikaro First published in 1990 in Evolution/Liberation # 4 This electronic revised edition published by Buddhadāsa Indapañño Archives/Liberation Park in April 2014
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This work brings together in a single volume the translated essays of Buddhadasā Bhikkhu, the major interpreter of Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia.
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In Ajahn Buddhadasa Bhikkhu's book, Mindfulness With Breathing, the Thai meditation master provides practitioners with penetrating insights into theAnapanasati Sutta, the canonical text which many believe is the most direct transmission of ...
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Under the Bodhi Tree takes us back to the principles at the heart of Buddha’s teachings—conditionality and dependent co-arising.
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Clear and simple teachings on voidness and living an ethical life. In Heartwood of the Bodhi Tree, Buddhadasa Bhikkhu presents in simple language the philosophy of voidness, or sunnata, that lies at the heart of the Buddhism.
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In this book Peter Jackson examines Buddhadasa's life work and thought, placing them in the context of the political, economic, and intellectual changes that transformed Thailand in the twentieth century.