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This is a landmark study that no one seriously interested in music and nineteenth-century European culture will be able to ignore.
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An account of developments in the aesthetics of music from the mid-eighteenth century onwards.
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This book is a collection of essays, by the leading German musicologist of our day, on one of the most controversial and influential composers of our century: Arnold Schoenberg.
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Contains a concise . . . account of Wagner's life by John Deathridge and . . . a treatment of Wagner's music, aesthetics, and individual operas and music dramas by Carl Dahlhaus which is a tour de force.
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In this volume, the late Carl Dahlhaus combines the interpretations of individual works with excursions into the musical aesthetics of the period around 1800, an age which was not only a `classical' period in the history of the arts but ...
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"Essential reading for anyone interested in the larger intellectual framework in which Romantic music found its place, a framework that to a remarkable degree has continued to shape our image of music."—Robert P. Morgan, Yale University ...
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Książka ta, może stać się lekturą obowiązkową dla studentów muzykologii, a także służyć jako lektura uzupełniająca na wydziałach humanistycznych, zwłaszcza dla studentów dyscyplin historycznych, filozoficznych, nauk o ...
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... Carl Nielsen's songs have often been viewed as ` authentically Danish ” , both in Denmark and elsewhere . This ... Carl Dahlhaus makes use of this term in his discussion of music and nationalism . See Carl Dahlhaus , ' Nationalism ...
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Source Readings in the Aesthetics of Music Ruth Katz, Carl Dahlhaus. FORM The discussion about " form " that was held at the Darmstädter Inter- nationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik confronted an ... Carl Dahlhaus György Ligeti Introduction.
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Included in this volume is Walter Kauffman's translation of the previously unpublished fragment, "On Music and Words," by the young Nietzsche.