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This comprehensive volume - the collective knowledge of more than 55 experts in the field - provides lucid and authoritative discussions on this topic as well as on a wide variety of theoretical, experimental, and clinical issues.
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The book contains a detailed description of folic acid metabolism and discussion of how it may act during neural tube closure. The book describes methods for antenatal detection and diagnosis of neural tube defects.
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Attention turned much in recent years to the relation of these malformations to deficiency of a particular dietary ingredient, folic acid, a subject this book analyzes in depth.
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No detailed description available for "Spina bifida - neural tube defects".
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To aid in unraveling the complexities of the causation of congenital malformations, various influences on their frequency are considered in this book.
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This volume covers the known details of all subtypes of occult spinal dysraphism in unprecedented detail. This 21 chapter invaluable resource begins with a deep dive into the history and embryology of occult spinal dysraphisms.
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Neural Tube Defects: New Insights for the Healthcare Professional: 2011 Edition is a ScholarlyPaper™ that delivers timely, authoritative, and intensively focused information about Neural Tube Defects in a compact format.