chnum z books.google.com
... chNum = 1, therefore index[ce 2 ]=(n 1, 1, 1). Function createECT(cep, root, depth, chNum, index) 1 <parent, index, root> = createNode (cep, root, depth, chNum, index); 2 depth++; 3 Let SubEmg be the set of sub-emergencies in cep.emg; 4 ...
chnum z books.google.com
... Chnum is the sun - god , as being the producer of the wind , Chnum - ra ( a combination which , however , is apparently not ancient ) ; Sati is the divine ray of the sun , the means by which the earth is impregnated , and which is ...
chnum z books.google.com
... chnum VdotnullNthe \headn) }#1}% \xdef\lblitem{\chnum VåotnullNthe Wheadn}% % +*** \xdef used since we are in a group **** \nobreak\medskip \if AuxFiles (% \let\Let=\let \let\String=\string \let\The-\the \SCan #1\end \immediate) ...
chnum z books.google.com
... Chnum ist SO Beschützer ' ( ? ) ( vgl . S. 113 , 5 u . 116 , 3 ) m D 18 München , Dyroff - Pörtner 10 . 14 hnm · w - m - ht Spitze ' u . ä . , Chnum ist an der m MR Newberry Benihasan I , Tf . 17 , 2. Mann 3. R. 20 , Mitte . ib . S. 15 ...
chnum z books.google.com
... CHNUM P. Mich. inv. 5607b H. 4.8 x W. 6.5 cm II C.E. Provenance unknown Written parallel to the fibers on the recto; the verso is blank. The papyrus contains parts of 10 lines of text: lines 3-10 are complete on the right where a small ...
chnum z books.google.com
... chnum , wie erwähnt , „ sich vereinigen , sich gesellen " bedeutet.1 ) Von Chnum wird βασιλεύων ἐν τῷ τελείῳ μéλavi zunächst gesagt , weil er der König Ägyptens ist , wie Isis die Königin . Bekannt ist ja die durch die Sprachforschung ...
chnum z books.google.com
... Chnum und Anubis Saqqara, Djedkare, 5. Dyn. zerstört Dahschur, Sesostris III., 12. Dyn. [Chnum] und Anubis mit der Scheibe Deir el Ba- hari, NR Chnum und Anubis mit der Scheibe Luxor, Chnum und Anubis (ohne Scheibe) Karnak, Chnum und ...
chnum z books.google.com
... Chnum.136 The same god Chnum-ἰrj-mšʿ-nfr appears in two demotic sources. In P. Wien D. 10151 two priests exchange their stipends in the temple of Chnum in Elephantine and in the temple of Chnum-ἰrj-mšʿ-nfr137, which in all likelihood ...
chnum z books.google.com
... Chnum , Chnubis , or Chnuphis ( Knuphis ) , whose name occurs in so many of the Abraxas and Abraxoid gems . Chnum was for Southern Egypt precisely what Ptah of Memphis was for Northern Egypt . He was the Fashioner of men , even as a ...
chnum z books.google.com
... Chnum , Chnubis , or Chnuphis ( Knuphis ) , whose name occurs in so many of the Abraxas and Abraxoid gems . Chnum was for Southern Egypt precisely what Ptah of Memphis was for Northern Egypt . He was the Fashioner of men , even as a ...