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This new series on the treatment of cancer is sponsored by the VICe. The editors and authors feel strongly that more standardiza tion is needed on a worldwide basis in cancer therapy.
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Lymphomas classically manifest themselves in the lymph nodes but can also present in other bodily tissues or systems; the organ where exactly they present may make a very great difference to the strategy that should be adopted for their ...
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This book provides a comprehensive overview of current treatment strategies in indolent lymphomas, the clinical management of which continues to pose significant challenges for the general oncologist despite the tremendous progress in ...
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During the 10 years since the last edition of this volume our knowledge on malignant lymphomas, especially on extranodal lymphomas, has increased.
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The volume will appeal to hematologists, pathologists and oncologists and will, thanks to a diverse and expert authorship, serve to increase the working knowledge of all three groups.
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The 1st Edition of Histopathology of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas, written in col laboration with Professor H. STEIN and published in 1981, was received well and is now out of print.