clutching_at_straws z books.google.com
... clutching at straws . " These attempts at psychology , through repeti- tion , are of no help in deciding this case . Defendant to support its argument that plaintiff is " clutching at straws " refers to its counsel's statement at the ...
clutching_at_straws z books.google.com
... Clutching at Straws . The Democratic papers , and notably the N. Y. World , are pointing , with great exultation , to a number of large factories and mills where wages have been recently raised as proof not only that prosperous times ...
clutching_at_straws z books.google.com
... clutching at straws . The Hon . D. P. LANDA : The honourable member says that the Government is clutching at straws . We will send him a few long lengths of straw . What about the wonderful era of the Askin - Cutler Government and what ...
clutching_at_straws z books.google.com
... Clutching at Straws . The Democratic papers , and notably the N. Y. World , are pointing , with great exultation , to a number of large factories and mills where wages have been recently raised as proof not only that prosperous times ...
clutching_at_straws z books.google.com
... Clutching at Straws . The Democratic papers , and notably the N. Y. World , are pointing , with great exultation , to a number of large factories and mills where wages have been recently raised as proof not only that prosperous times ...