Czy chodziło Ci o: icok
coik z books.google.com
... coik- " y coik- ° URT c ° ik- ° ¿ -15 4G ( 1 ) ... kattachvi , possess ; blow -dzi -coyi ( c ° i -covi ) { po uk- } pouk- ° į { cik- , } attachyi cik - a , сіс - уі , ci - cyi , cic - y - u - n , – ? 1 ) Ook { coik - ' attach ' vI } ; { ...
coik z books.google.com
... COIK , IK AND MIK PERFORMANCES FOR MODELING CONDITIONAL PROBABILITIES OF CATEGORICAL VARIABLES P. GOOVAERTS Geology and Environmental Sciences Department Stanford University Stanford CA 94305 U.S.A. A performance comparison of three ...
coik z books.google.com
... Coik = Re tr ( 11 , 11 , Dk 110D ) , ( 5.26 ) where Dk = Oki + 2ko Ok3 + 2k2 Oks + 2k4 · ( 5.27 ) We can therefore display Coik for all k in a three - dimensional cube , which is portrayed in Fig . 5.1 . The pairing of values follows ...
coik z books.google.com
... Coik in front of the Graduate Division. But he kept having to return to room 201 in Kennedy Hall. He began bringing Michal's Dewey to class and reading himself through the hour and a half of Coik's folly. In most ways Dewey was familiar ...
coik z books.google.com
... coik ( 1+ = Vid Sik fil 1+ + + ( X ; — Tii ) COik k = 1 ( yi – bk ) ( x ; - Crik ) | 11rck sin Xik Sik ( xi – ak ) ? + ( yi – bk ) ? -G ( y ; - bk ) + ( yi - Cyik ) | rck cos Xik ( X ; – ak ) 2 + ( y ; – bk ) ? Eis Sik fi2 1+ + Σ + + Σ ...
coik z books.google.com
... COIK ” - -a word coined from the initials of the words " Clear Only If Known . " The computer language of data processing is COIK to the Administration employee ; the jargon of the personnel clerk is COIK to the revenue agent . If you ...
coik z books.google.com
... COIK " . For those counselors who do a good deal of field counseling , a " Field COIK " comprising many of the items from the office kit also should be included . It is suggested that the counselor keep in his car at all times his Field ...
coik z books.google.com
... coik). i=G(r We begin by observing that 2G(k) – 1 = + (2m – 4k +3) (k = 1,..., n). Since c(–a) = c(a), this allows ... coik) - (-)-((2-1)k); coik). i–G(r) In the case n + 2 > 2r, we have G(r) = n + 2 – 2r and the assertion reduces to n ...
coik z books.google.com
... COIK ” —a word coined from the initials of the words " Clear Only If Known . " The computer language of data processing is COIK to the Administration employee ; the jargon of the personnel clerk is COIK to the revenue agent . If you ...
coik z books.google.com
... coik ⇐∅ 6: Ok ⇐ ∅ 7: coik ⇐ Semk.getContextualSemantic(c) ⊳ //get the semantic value of the context of interests c 8: Ok ⇐ Semk.getOtherSemantics(c) ⊳ //get all semantics, including spatial semantics, except for c. Spatial ...