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Drafting Successful Access and Benefit-sharing Contracts gives an insightful and profound analysis of how contracts should be drafted so that biotechnology users and providers of genetic resources get access and become bound to share ...
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Fewer than 11% of CBD Parties have adopted substantive ABS law, and nearly all of these are developing countries, focusing almost entirely on the 'access' side of the equation.
compensatio_lucri_cum_damno z books.google.com
... compensatio lucri cum damno e il. Bellisario E (2018a) Compensation lucri cum damno: il responso delle Sezioni Unite. Danno e responsabilità 2018: 438 ff Bellisario E (2018b) Il problema della compensatio lucri cum damno. Wolters Kluwer ...
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This book examines an area of personal injuries law that has been largely neglected by other writers, but which is of vital importance in practical terms when establishing quantum of damages for personal injuries.
compensatio_lucri_cum_damno z books.google.com
... compensatio lucri cum damno , in quanto « ... nell'ordina- mento vi è una regola di chiusura che reprime gli spostamenti di ric- chezza non sorretti da un'adeguata causa ; che molte ipotesi che potreb- bero interessare il nostro ...
compensatio_lucri_cum_damno z books.google.com
... compensatio lucri cum damno', Estudios de derecho civil VI (Gonzalo Figueroa Yañez, Enrique Barros Bourie, Mauricio ... compensatio lucri cum damno ..., cit., at 575 et seq. 1682. See Art. 69 Ley 16.744, cit.; Elorriaga De Bonis ...
compensatio_lucri_cum_damno z books.google.com
... compensatio lucri cum damno " enthält das Gesetzbuch meines Wissens nicht ; und in Ansehung der Vorteilsimputation baut der Gesetzgeber darauf , dass die Praxis , von der Theorie unter- stützt , ungebunden durch Gesetzesfesseln den ...
compensatio_lucri_cum_damno z books.google.com
... compensatio lucri cum damno . Wenn man in der Schadensverbindlichkeit die Pflicht für die Folgen eines bestimmten Verhaltens ein- zustehen sieht , - und das ist unzweifelhaft das Richtige dann rechtfertigt sich die compensatio lucri cum ...
compensatio_lucri_cum_damno z books.google.com
... compensatio lucri cum damno,51 and it is widely seen to correspond to the general principle that the creditor should not be enriched as a result of the damaging event, ie the non-performance.52 The problem is, however, that a general ...
compensatio_lucri_cum_damno z books.google.com
... Compensatio lucri cum damno. Art. 9:502 accepts the principle of compensatio lucri cum damno, whereby loss should be set off against gains and therefore be a net loss; similarly, in computing the lost profits, the cost that would have ...