Wyświetlam wyniki dla component object model
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component object model z books.google.com
By showing what really happens each time you choose a button in a wizard, Learning DCOM makes it possible for you to choose what you need. This book is for anyone who wants to understand DCOM.
component object model z books.google.com
Offering a distinctive approach, this book will teach readers not only how to use COM but how to think in COM.
component object model z books.google.com
For the hard-core corporate developer who needs "just the facts" and real-world examples to building distributed applications using Microsoft's Component Object Model.
component object model z books.google.com
Hands-on guidance on how to construct real-world business software components using Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM) and Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), the breakthrough technologies behind Microsoft's Windows DNA.
component object model z books.google.com
It's a powerful method for customizing applications, present and future. And it's the foundation of OLE and ActiveX. In short, COM helps unlock the future of development. And this is the book that unlocks COM.
component object model z books.google.com
... object linking and embedding ( OLE ) , and Automation . However , all this new technology at your fingertips can be a bit perplexing , if not daunting . This ... Component - Based Development COM Basics COM: The Component Object Model.
component object model z books.google.com
This is the comprehensive and official reference documentation on OLE, revised to incorporate OLE enhancements and bring them in line with 32-bit Windows 95 and Windows NT. Volume 2 concentrates on OLE Automation, the revolutionary ...