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cue bid z books.google.com
Written in a clear and easy-to-follow style, with plentiful examples, the book will provide a partnership with the basis for competent and successful slam-bidding, which will lead not only to consistently better results but also to more ...
cue bid z books.google.com
Revised and updated. Winning advice on bidding and play for the intermediate, based on five card major openings.
cue bid z books.google.com
The reader for whom this new book is intended should be familiar with the fundamentals of duplicate bridge. The book is aimed at intermediate players with a range of expertise, who are intent on improving their bidding skills.
cue bid z books.google.com
The most complete guide to the modern methods of standard bidding for bridge, from one of America's leading players, teachers, and authorities. With a logical, easy-to-follow style, William Root covers all the bidding essentials.
cue bid z books.google.com
Examples and sample hands are provided throughout so that new players understand how the game works and immediately get comfortable with the game. table { }tr { }col { }br { }td { padding: 0px; color: windowtext; font-size: 10pt; font ...
cue bid z books.google.com
... cue - bid of his own : West North East South 10 20 Pass 30 South holds , for example : ♡ A2 AQ6 ♧ 983 AK7643 A2 The basic scheme is that the cue - bid of a minor suit shows a major two - suiter , whereas a cue - bid in a major suit ...