culani z books.google.com
... Culani , Colani , Culamani , Cūḍāmani , and the Chinese Lin - i originated . Campȧ and Campamalini only came into use , perhaps , later on , when the capital was transferred further down the coast to Campȧ- nagara or Campa - puri ...
culani z books.google.com
... Culani , Colaṇī , Cūlāmaņi , Cuḍāmani , and the Chinese Lin - i originated . Campā and Campāmālini only came into use , perhaps , later on , when the capital was transferred further down the coast to Campa- nagara or Campā - puri , 1 ...
culani z books.google.com
... Culani's family are kept ; when they see Vedeha they shriek in fear . Culani hears the shriek , is puzzled , but keeps his own counsel in very shame . Mahosadha then and there marries the Pañcala princess to Vedeha . Then they leave the ...
culani z books.google.com
... Culani's palace and kill them . Portraits and poems about the king's beautiful daughter were sent to Vedeha with the information that Culani wanted to give his daughter Pancalacandi in marriage to Vedeha . Befuddled with passion ...
culani z books.google.com
... Culani's life at Madu . It was now noised abroad that the cook , his son , and Prince Culani were burned to death inside the kitchen by the fire . When Talatā Devi heard of the matter she said to the Brahmin , ' What was passing in your ...
culani z books.google.com
... Culani - Brahmadatta was induced to attack Mithila by the ill - intentioned prompting of his Brahmin advisor , Kevatta . His army found the city well fortified thanks to Mahosadha and Mithila resisted the military onslaught . Intending ...
culani z books.google.com
... Culani conquered all the lands except Videha within a span of 7 years . Then he launched three successive offensives against Videha all of which failed , thanks to Mahosatha . Undaunted , Culani resorted to win Videha by ruse . He ...
culani z books.google.com
... Culani - Brahmadatta did as Kevaṭṭa had proposed : he went with his army and laid siege to a city . Kevatta , as he had suggested , went into the city and explained matters to the king and won him over . Then joining the two armies Culani ...
culani z books.google.com
... Culani's mother and family mem- bers as hostages , these individuals were not harmed . In the Ummagga Jataka ( ya ) , the King's mother states that none of them were made to suffer . The taking of hostages was done in order to protect ...
culani z books.google.com
... Culani - Brahmadatta , king of Uttarapancal , undertook to extend his terri- tories and imposed his suzerainty over 101 kingdoms . However , his efforts to take over Mithila were in vain as Mahosadha's intelli- gence always foiled his ...