cuma z books.google.com
... CUMA , Virgil had faith- fully availed himself of the peculiar localities of the country , or following Homer who situates them in the same place - and regardless of geo- graphical accuracy , had merely imagined the existence of hills ...
cuma z books.google.com
... cuma memujuk wanita itu sebagai seorang rakan? Jiwanya kacau. Apatah lagi dalam keadaan emak yang tidak stabil. Kini, emaknya sedang beransur pulih dan semakin kurang bergantung pada ubat-ubat penenang. Malah, dia sudah merancang untuk ...
cuma z books.google.com
P. R., Paolo Rolli. SCENA ULTIMA . Curia di Cuma con Trono in mezzo . Ariftodémo affifo in Trono , con guardie . Ippomedonte , Timitele , Eurito , e Senato di Cuma : Deputati de vicini popoli vinti da Ariftodemo , che gli portan tri ...
cuma z books.google.com
... cuma ! mo brig agus mo teann , Mo cuma ! is é is doild o'n olc , 25 Mo cuma anoċt ! sib go fann . Mo cuma ! mo lútgáir is mo greann , Mo cuma ! mo geall i ngac áit , mo cuma ! mo lúc ajup mo neap Mo cuma ó noċt amać go brát . Mo cuma ...
cuma z books.google.com
... cuma directory also contains the most vital part of the CUMA system cuma_daemon , cuma_transport as will as compile version of zip and unzip for use with the CUMA system ... CUMA hosts want to communicate 12 Compiling CUMA Running CUMA 12-13.
cuma z books.google.com
James Patrick Craig. 1s cuma liom . Cuma is a noun , and means shape or appearance , and as a thing which has but the appearance of the reality is only superficial , the word has come to mean indifference . Hence , 1s cuma le Seagan = It ...
cuma z books.google.com
... Cuma , the act of maiming ; I. 234 , 26 as gl . on athcuma , cuma co haith ; II . 154 , 7 cumu , cutting - out ( of dress ) ; IV . 306 5 ; 308 , 3 ; i n - a cumbu coir , tr . ' properly cured ' ; see under combach , cumach , cuma ...
cuma z books.google.com
... Cuma , the act of maiming ; I. 234 , 26 as gl . on athcuma , cuma co haith ; II . 154 , 7 cumu , cutting - out ( of dress ) ; IV . 306 5 ; 308 , 3 ; in - a cumbu coir , tr . ' properly cured ' ; see under combach , cumach , cuma ...
cuma z books.google.com
... Cuma , the act of maiming ; I. 234 , 26 as gl . on atheuma , cuma co haith ; II . 154 , 7 cumu , cutting - out ( of dress ) ; IV . 306 5 ; 308 , 3 ; i n - a cumbu coir , tr . ' properly cured ' ; see under combach , cumach , cuma ...