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To przede wszystkimwłaściwe rozwiązania prawne gwarantujące ochronęzarówno systemów informatycznych, jak i utrzymywanychw nich danych... Autorka przedstawia zagadnienia prawnej ochronysystemów informatycznych.
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But this attack was something neither Graham nor America were prepared for. An attack via computer, and suddenly a new word enters the American mainstream, cyberterror.
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Much of this book is dedicated to illustrating the use of the global information infrastructure by terrorists for the communication and coordination of distributed terrorist cells, the gathering of target intelligence, and the use of cyber ...
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Cyber-War provides a critical assessment of current debates around the likelihood and impact of cyber warfare.
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This book discusses the nature and impact of cyber terrorism with the methods that have proven to be effective in law enforcement.
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Master's Thesis from the year 2023 in the subject Computer Science - IT-Security, Symbiosis International University (Symbiosis school of international studies), course: International Studies, language: English, abstract: The objective of ...
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This book takes stock, twenty years on: is cyber war really coming? Has war indeed entered the fifth domain? Cyber War Will Not Take Place cuts through the hype and takes a fresh look at cyber security.