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Published in 1988: This book describes the consequences and implications of the genetic defect for the red cell as a whole.
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After Rulers of Darkness, Kirkus Reviews proclaimed, “Spruill has a grip on the medical suspense/horror novel far firmer than Robin Cook’s,” while Library Journal stated, “Both mystery and horror fans will enjoy this intelligent and ...
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In this volume, the cells will be dealing with urination and diaper rash. The baby continues to grow and starts eating solid food. However, the antibodies from the mother also begin to vanish one by one!
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Erythrocytes of the Rhesus and Cynomolgus Monkeys addresses the morphologic, quantitative, and generative aspects of the erythrocytes of the rhesus monkey Macaca mulatta and the cynomolgus monkey Macaca fascicularis (long-tailed macaque, ...
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NOT KIDDING AROUND In the same way that a baby eagerly learns how to crawl, the cells in a baby’s body work just as hard!
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What damage can it cause? Can anyone get it? Can it be treated or prevented? This text explains a rather complex and potentially deadly condition through case studies and interviews, and presents the most current research and treatments.
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Having survived a heart attack, the body is starting to regain a bit of peace.
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This volume is recommended for students, researchers, teachers, and physicians aiming to acquire knowledge of the red blood cell.