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From A to I, the extremely capable, and combat-tested, Israeli F-15 force will continue to deter potential enemies well into the foreseeable future. This book examines the history and development of these units.
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... F-15. Radar systems aboard the Eagle also matured, enabling incredible accuracy for the air-to-air weapons load. Once the F-15E Strike Eagle had taken to the skies, the arsenal of weapons utilized by the fighter increased four-fold ...
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... F - 15 , there will be only a 10 % change in noise impacted land . The information supplied in the noise sludy is ... F - 22 on departure can be expressed in decibels as L ( F - 22 ) = 10log3.16 + ( F - 15 ) and similarly on approach as ...
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This book looks at the development of the original air-superiority McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, from the F-15A through to the current F-15C, as well as modern upgrades in the pipeline or proposed by Boeing, who from 1997 took over the type ...
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Once the backbone of the United States Air Force, the F-15 Eagle was heavily armed for air-to-air combat.
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Introduces the F-15 Eagles, their specifications, weapons, missions, and future in the Air force.
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40 colour profiles of the famous F-15 Eagle, a US Cold-War era jet aircraft. US and foreign users are shown in variety of camouflages.
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The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle is the undisputed king of fighter aircraft, scoring around 105 kills for zero losses in air-to-air combat.
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... f . $ 15 , 88 ; team 30 m . EAST WELLINGTON , Vancouver Dist . - See Wellington . EBURNE , New Westminster Dist.-SS. to Victoria , 750 m .; f . $ 15 , 88 : str . to Vancouver , 84 m .; f . $ 3 ; team 8 m . ELGIN , New Westminster Dist ...