Wyświetlam wyniki dla paul pitt
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paul pitt z books.google.com
... PAUL . ( A little ironic . ) Mustn't you first ask Pitt Brunt ? BLANCHE . Never ! He has no passions . PAUL . Yes , he has an easy life of it . BLANCHE . He talked to me just now about the Bill of '86 . I attach no importance to the ...
paul pitt z books.google.com
... PAUL . ( A little ironic . ) Mustn't you first ask Pitt Brunt ? BLANCHE . Never ! He has no passions . PAUL . Yes , he has an easy life of it . BLANCHE . He talked to me just now about the Bill of '86 . I attach no importance to the ...
paul pitt z books.google.com
... PAUL . ( A little ironic . ) Mustn't you first ask Pitt Brunt ? BLANCHE . Never ! He has no passions . PAUL . Yes , he has an easy life of it . BLANCHE . He talked to me just now about the Bill of '86 . I attach no importance to the ...
paul pitt z books.google.com
... Paul ? Pitt Brunt . ( Triumphant . ) Mr. Paul ! Blanche . ( With emotion , thinking . ) " Dudley " ! Pitt Brunt . ( Vague . ) Dudley ? Blanche . ( After another glance at the open letters . ) It's the pet name . " To his Nina " ! Pitt ...
paul pitt z books.google.com
... Paul . He always thinks everything does . That is doubtless the danger ! Blanche . ( Sympathetic . ) It's the danger ... Pitt Brunt . ) Silence ! ( Re - enter Pitt Brunt from the hall and stands looking an instant from Blanche to Paul ...
paul pitt z books.google.com
... Paul , Pitt , Raftice , Spindel , Strosnider , Tremont , Van Etten , Wilkerson and Mr. Speaker - 29 . Absent - Mr . Gillespie . The Sergeant - at - Arms was instructed to close the doors of the House . and bring in the absentee . The ...
paul pitt z books.google.com
... Pitt had eagerly wished . The Bishop of Durham having died , it was intended to translate to that rich See Dr. Thomas Thurlow , who was already Bishop of Lincoln and Dean of St. Paul's . Pitt was most desirous that Dr. Pretyman should ...
paul pitt z books.google.com
... Pitt had eagerly wished . The Bishop of Durham having died , it was intended to translate to that rich See Dr. Thomas Thurlow , who was already Bishop of Lincoln and Dean of St. Paul's . Pitt was most desirous that Dr. Pretyman should ...