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pinos genil z books.google.com
... PinoS Genil PinoS Genil Genil No data 1897–1978 Abandoned-In ruins Eléctrica del Blanqueo PinoS Genil Aguas Blancas 0.019 1907–1931 Abandoned-In ruins El Castillo Güéjar-Sierra Genil 6.52 1923–1989 Abandoned-Disappeared Maitena Güéjar ...
pinos genil z books.google.com
... Pinos Genil , taking water at an altitude of about 400 ft . above the wheels between Canale and Güejar . This plant de- velops approximately 2500 hp . , all of which is under THE VALDEINFIERNO , SEEN FROM THE BACARES MINE to meet a ...
pinos genil z books.google.com
... Pinos Genil. Granada Friday, January 18th, 2013 | Hotel Alhambra Palace | Granada Saturday, January 19th, 2013 | Apostolic Vatican Palace | Vatican City Saturday, January 19th, 2013 | Center of the Branches of Christ | Pinos Genil ...
pinos genil z books.google.com
... Pinos the Genil start your clock once you cross Río Genil , then head east on the A - 4026 and keep right at the first roundabout . 40.2km SUMMIT ALTITUDE 3375m HEIGHT GAIN 2608m MAXIMUM GRADIENT 14 % AVERAGE GRADIENT 6.5 % 10 20 30 PINOS ...
pinos genil z books.google.com
... Genil ( 44.6km ) . There are a few other buildings on the banks of the river , and the route of an old tramway runs ... Pinos Genil , high above the reservoir . Turn right for Granada ( 56.7km ; signposted ) and drive along a pleasant ...
pinos genil z books.google.com
... Pinos Genil . You'll recall from the previous chapter our nickname for it ; I'll say nothing more on the subject . It's a safe descent , a wide road with a smooth surface quite used to the temperature extremes that'll hit it over the ...
pinos genil z books.google.com
... Pinos Genil and Quéntar . An access road leads to a T - junction outside Cenes de la Vega . Turn right here on the A4026 . Before Pinos Genil turn left for Dudar , Quéntar and La Peza on the GR3201 for the Embalse de Quéntar . A right ...
pinos genil z books.google.com
... Pinos Genil and Quentar . An access road leads to a T - junction outside Cenes de la Vega . Turn right here on the A4026 . Before Pinos Genil , turn left for Dudar , Quentar , and La Peza on the GR3201 for the Embalse de Quéntar . A ...
pinos genil z books.google.com
... Pinos Genil and Quen tar. An access road leads to a T-junction outside Cenes de la Vega. Turn right here on the A4026. Before Pinos Genil, turn left for Dudar, Quen tar, and La Peza on the GR3207 for the Embalse de Quéntar. A right turn ...
pinos genil z books.google.com
... Genil , through a land of fig trees and olive trees , with bare red hills on either side . For the sake of the walker , clean , whitewashed ventas and merenderos punctuate the route till we reach the mountain village of Pinos - Genil ...