Czy chodziło Ci o: pyrovault
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... Puyravault Piotr Franciszek , polityk francuski , 1783 w Puyravault , † 1852 tamże . Mając lat 7 towarzyszył gwardji naro- dowej swego okręgu podczas święta Federacji 1790 r . Obrany deputowanym 1821 i powtórnie 1828 zwalczał monarchja ...
puyravault z books.google.com
... Puyravault Piotr Franciszek , polityk francuski , 1783 w Puyravault , † 1852 tamże . Mając lat 7 towarzyszył gwardji Daro- dowej swego okręgu podczas święta Federacji 1790 r . Obrany deputowanym 1821 i powtórnie 1828 zwalczał monarchia ...
puyravault z books.google.com
... Puyravault... L'accuser de pareilles folies !... grommela le notaire... - Attention... Le serrurier a fait sauter les plaques... En effet, la caisse s'ouvrait enfin, et le cercle se forma autour du juge de paix, qui continuait ses ...
puyravault z books.google.com
... Puyravault is not quite the Balafré . While this fighting was continuing , the civil and political revolution followed the military revolution on parallel lines . The soldiers locked up in the Abbaye were set at liberty ; the debtors at ...
puyravault z books.google.com
... Puyravault's.2 M. Casimir Périer , a man of order and wealth , did not wish to fall into the hands of the people ; he continued still to cherish the hope of an arrangement with the Legitimate Royalty ; he said sharply to M. de Schonen ...
puyravault z books.google.com
... Puyravault , see Audry de Puyravault Pyat , Félix , 48-9 , 222 , 236 , 245 , 253-4 , 276 , 281 , 288 , 299 , 301 , 310 , 341 , 360-1 , 384 , 397 , 426 Pagnerre , 23 , 51-2 , 60 , 80 , 106 , 177-8 , 241 Paris , Archbishop of , see Affre ...
puyravault z books.google.com
... Puyravault is not quite the Balafré . While this fighting was continuing , the civil and political revolution followed the military revolution on parallel lines . The soldiers locked up in the Abbaye were set at liberty ; the debtors at ...
puyravault z books.google.com
... PUYRAVAULT 46 08 N O 48 W PUYRAVAULT 46 22 N 1 05 W 24024 01 24016 02 24016 00 24017 01 24085 01 PUZIEUX 48 54 N PY 42 30 N PYFARA , MONT 45 14 N 2 21 E 4 29 E PYLA , DUNE DE SEE PILAT , DUNES DU PYRAMIDE , PIC DE LA 44 35 N 1 13 W 45 ...
puyravault z books.google.com
... Puyravault ( partie ) . Pour la laiterie de Sainte - Rade- gonde , il s'agit de Sainte - Radegonde et Puyravault ( partie ) . En comptant le litre de lait à 35 anciens francs de moyenne , la différence pour 1960 est donc de 517.854 x 35 ...
puyravault z books.google.com
... Puyravault . 656 90 Saint - Marc . 607 47 Rochefort . 731 46 Puyravault . Cure Succursale • 228 63 42 1323 80 1193 39 Ciré . 413 85 25 703 85 691 58 Charente .. 914 05 14 881 65 768 74 Lussant . 554 92 9 695 40 663 36 214 42 38 1090 15 ...