Czy chodziło Ci o: requiem for_a_dream
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Tragic and captivating, Requiem for a Dream is one of Selby’s most powerful works, and an indelible portrait of the ravages of addiction.
requiem_for_a_dream z books.google.com
A novel for secondary school English classes with great writing and important themes.
requiem_for_a_dream z books.google.com
Rachel is a poet-writer versed in prose as much as she is rhyme.
requiem_for_a_dream z books.google.com
... Requiem for a Dream (New York: Playboy Press, dist. by Simon and Schuster, 1978), 89. 26. Aronofsky, Requiem for a Dream, xiv. 27. Ibid., xv. 28. Ibid. Harry and Marion, 123; Tyrone, 124. 29. Ibid., 126–127. 30. Erwan Higuinen, review ...