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... ruralista and, by the end 1994, it was already becoming known as a potent force, more disciplined than most of ... ruralista, which has no direct translation in English, is used in Brazil to refer to any large agricultural producer. The ...
ruralista z books.google.com
... ruralista politicians earned sweeping victories in congressional elections . What is frequently overlooked in the criticism of the ru- ralistas is that much of Brazil's economic growth and social progress during the boom years was based ...
ruralista z books.google.com
... ruralista” coalition against the environmental movement in the process of the Forest Code reform (da Veiga 2012). As we have already stated, the Forest Code was the central piece of legislation that supported the deforestation control ...
ruralista z books.google.com
... Ruralista group , allied to the Herreristas of Senate presi- dent Martín Echegoyen in the Herrerista - Ruralista " Axis , " had practically split into two minor groups , both of which claimed to represent the true philosophy of Nardone ...
ruralista z books.google.com
... ruralista union don't. With whom do we sign the agreement? Do we have to sign it with another rural union that has responsibility over that municipality? (STR, XXX) We have a union charter. We can sign a collective agreement. But there ...
ruralista z books.google.com
... Ruralista Itanhandu/MG 1934 Semana Ruralista Distrito Federal 1935 1a Semana Ruralista Juazeiro do Norte/CE 1935 1a Semana Ruralista Rio Verde/GO 1937 Semana Ruralista Quixeramobim/CE 1938 2a Semana Ruralista Rio Verde/GO 1939 3a Semana ...
ruralista z books.google.com
... ruralista-comanda-votacao-deprojeto-pro-agrotoxicos/, https://exame.abril.com.br/brasil/comissao-aprova-pl-dosagrotoxicos-defendido-pela-bancada-ruralista/, http://www2.camara.leg.br/camaranoticias/noticias/AGROPECUARIA/557911-IBAMA ...
ruralista z books.google.com
... ruralista, the powerful parliamentary lobbying group for agribusiness. With 116 of the total 513 representatives, the wellorganized, cross-party bancada ruralista covers almost 23 % of the seats in the Caˆmara dos Deputados (House of ...
ruralista z books.google.com
... ruralista, currently contains 120 federal deputies and 13 senators – or 23% of the lower house and 16% of the Senate.61 The problem is that the caucus supports both traditional agriculturalists as well as the most modern, and therefore ...
ruralista z books.google.com
... Ruralista 1961 Eduardo Víctor Nacional Herrerism Haedo 1962 Faustino Harrison Nacional Liga Federal de Acción Ruralista 1963 Daniel Fernández Nacional Liga Federal de Acción Ruralista 1964 Luis Giannattasio Nacional Unión Blanca ...