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Having just returned from a successful space shuttle mission, Jack Healy must now deal with problems on earth.
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Weaving themes of conflict and redemption, of the horrors of war and of the power of art to transfigure tragedy, Russell Martin follows this monumental work from its fevered creation through its journey across decades and continents--from ...
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Bible prophecy is concerned with justice For The poor, disadvantaged, handicapped and exploited and against the strong, rich and powerful. Prophetic forth-telling was legitimate, but apocalyptic foretelling often went astray.
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Christian fundamentalism is based on as literal an interpretation of the bible as possible.
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"Martin is, first and foremost, a consummate storyteller," says Kirkus Reviews. Daily Bread is a novella that will capture your heart and linger in your memory.
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This is the story of one particular little boy trapped in silence, struggling to regain language.
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The results, revealed for the first time here, are the most compelling explanation yet offered for why one of the foremost musicians the world has ever known was forced to spend much of his life in silence.