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... Russula aeruginea Lyophyllum fumosum edible Lyophyllum ulmarium edible Lysurus mokusin Macrocybe lobayensis Macrolepiota procera Macrolepiota rhacodes Marasmiellus ramealis Marasmius cohaerens Marasmius crinis - equi medicinal edible ...
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A Field Guide Susan Metzler, Van Metzler. Russula ochricompacta Edibility not recorded This Russula has only recently been described and identified . It is a stocky species with ... Russula aeruginea Edible / Choice The green cap of this.
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Vera Stucky Evenson, Denver Botanic Gardens. Russula. aeruginea. Lindblad ORDER RUSSULALES | FAMILY RUSSULACEAE Medium-sized, greenish to yellowgreen, smooth, tacky caps; yellowish gills; brittle flesh; pale stalk. Fruiting body cap 3–10 ...
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... Russula aeruginea Fr. ( 1863 ) Figure 66. Russula aeruginea Fr. ( 1863 ) separated ) , even , white to cream - colored gills . MACRO AND MICRO DESCRIPTION : Cap 3.5–10 cm broad , convex to convex - depressed in age ; smooth , moist ...
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... Russula aeruginea Edible Since green is an unusual color for mushrooms , Russula aeruginea al- ways attracts attention among mushroom foragers . The species fruits sporadically during summer and fall in the hardwood forests of eastern ...
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... Russula , the big , dry , vase - shaped cap , short stem , and flesh that browns with age will point you to the R. brevipes group . Russula brevipes var . acrior has a narrow greenish ... Russula aeruginea IDENTIFICATION • Caps ( 3–10 cm)
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... Russula aeruginea Edible Since green is an unusual color for mushrooms, Russula aeruginea always attracts attention among mushroom foragers. The species fruits sporadically during summer and fall in the hardwood forests of eastern ...
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Timothy J. Baroni. Russula. and. Lactarius. Russula claroflava Grove GRAYING YELLOW RUSSULA synonyms Russula flava Romell,. Russula. aeruginea. Lindbladex Fries TACKY GREEN RUSSULA Moderately large cap, smooth, green, and slightly slippery ...
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... Russula adusta (Pers.) Fr. (1838) NS: 5, 12, 103 Russula aeruginea Lindblad ex Fr. (1863) — It is unclear whether “R. aeruginosa Lindb.” in MICH refers to this species NS: 5, 12, 53, 103 Russula albella Peck (1898) NB: 103 Russula ...
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Steve Trudell. Russula aeruginea SAT - 16-237-16 MW024895 Russula aeruginea Lindblad ex Fries Russula aeruginea is a common species often found with spruce . It has a smooth , shiny gray - green or green cap ( hence the species epithet ...