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C'était l'une des plus importantes découvertes du siècle. Les manuscrits de la mer Morte, retrouvés dans les grottes de Qumran. Et bientôt volés.
rękopisy z qumran z books.google.com
Originally published in 1955, this volume is being reissued to make the entire series available to students and scholars of biblical and post-biblical Judaism and early Christianity.
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Papers presented at the IOQS meeting in Ljubljana Qumran Cave 1 Revisited: Reconsidering the Cave 1 Texts Sixty Years after Their Discovery, on the two Isaiah scrolls, the Community Rule, the War Scroll, the Thanksgivings Scroll, and the ...
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This book provides a new translation of substantial extracts from the Qumran writings, which comprise an important part of the Dead Sea scrolls.
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The present volume is a scientific study of the various archaeological relics that have been found in the three units at Qumran: The settlement, the caves with the scrolls and the cemetery.