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DESCRIPTION This book will teach you the fundamentals of SQL, SQL Server, databases, and how to write queries and programs using T-SQL. After reading this book, you will be able to create, modify, and delete databases, tables, and indexes.
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Over 100 examples of SQL queries and statements along with images of results will help you learn T SQL. A special section included in this illustrated guide will help you test your skills and get ahead in the workplace.
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Itzik Ben-Gan explains key T-SQL concepts and helps you apply your knowledge with hands-on exercises. The book first introduces T-SQL’s roots and underlying logic.
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Have you heard that SQL is hard to learn? Are you looking to enhance your skills and resume? Are you new to programming languages? This is Transact SQL – To The Point!
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This edition has been lightly updated for SQL Server 2014 and provides ready-to-implement solutions to common programming and database administration tasks.
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Troubleshoot query performance issues, identify anti-patterns in your code, and write efficient T-SQL queries with this guide for T-SQL developers Key Features A definitive guide to mastering the techniques of writing efficient T-SQL code ...
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If you've not programmed with Transact-SQL, this book is for you.It begins with an overview of SQL Server query operations and tools used with T-SQL, and covers both the 2005 and 2008 releases of SQL Server query tools and the query editor.
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Beginning T-SQL starts you on the path to mastering T-SQL with an emphasis on best practices. Using the sound coding techniques taught in this book will lead to excellent performance in the queries that you write in your daily work.
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This new edition is updated to cover the essential features of T-SQL found in SQL Server 2014, 2012, and 2008. Beginning T-SQL begins with an introduction to databases, normalization, and to SQL Server Management Studio.
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Tackle the toughest set-based querying and query tuning problems—guided by an author team with in-depth, inside knowledge of T-SQL.