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  1. Jakie jest tłumaczenie "his" po polsku? en his = pl jego. Tłumaczenia Znaczenie Synonimy Wymowa Zdania Tłumacz Zwroty open_in_new. EN. "his" - polskie tłumaczenie. volume_up. his {zaim.} PL. volume_up. jego. swoje. swój. swoja. swe. volume_up. His Holiness. PL. volume_up. Jego Świątobliwość. volume_up. His Grace {rzecz.} PL. volume_up.

  2. his - tłumaczenie na polski oraz definicja. Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "his" po polsku? - jego (mężczyzny, chłopca)

  3. Słownik języka polskiego PWN - znaczenie słów, ich pisownia, odmiana i pochodzenie, frazeologia, porady i ciekawostki językowe. Największe w Polsce wiarygodne źródło informacji poprawnościowych Wydawnictwa Naukowego PWN.

  4. Killing of Donovan Lewis. On August 30, 2022, 20-year-old African-American man Donovan Lewis (born May 14, 2002) was shot and killed by Officer Ricky Anderson of the Columbus Division of Police (CDP) in the Hilltop neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio as officers served a warrant at his apartment.

  5. Jason Daniel Rawls (born February 27, 1974), better known by his stage name J. Rawls, is an American hip hop musician, producer, disc jockey (DJ), educator, and speaker born in Columbus, Ohio. He is best known for his work with Masta Ace, Mos Def and Talib Kweli.

  6. Through Vincent’s Eyes: Van Gogh and His Sources, on display Nov. 12, 2021, through Feb. 6, 2022, in Columbus, Ohio, assembles more than 140 works of art by the artists who influenced Van Gogh, affording museumgoers rare insight into what spurred the Dutch artist’s own visionary work.

  7. H.I.S. Carpet Cleaning Columbus Ohio offers a full range of carpet cleaning services to fit your needs in the areas of residential, commercial, and apartment carpet cleaning & upholstery.

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