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  1. Pigwa pospolita (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) – gatunek rośliny wieloletniej z rodziny różowatych (Rosaceae). Jest jedynym przedstawicielem rodzaju pigwa. Pochodzi z południowo-zachodniej Azji: Zakaukazia, Iranu, Turkiestanu, południowo-wschodniej Arabii, Azji Mniejszej.

  2. Hasło krzyżówkowe „Cydonia” w słowniku krzyżówkowym. W niniejszym leksykonie szaradzisty dla słowa Cydonia znajdują się łącznie 4 definicje do krzyżówek. Definicje te podzielone zostały na 3 różne grupy znaczeniowe.

  3. A geological transition zone, Cydonia includes eroded mesas, impact craters, and generally smooth ground separating them. The famous "Face" is one of those eroding mesas. Two scientific stories unfold here.

  4. 21 wrz 2006 · Cydonia is located in the Arabia Terra region on Mars and belongs to the transition zone between the southern highlands and the northern plains of Mars. This transition is characterized by wide, debris-filled valleys and isolated remnant mounds of various shapes and sizes.

  5. 25 lis 2016 · As already noted, Cydonias best known feature is the famous “Face of Mars“. This 2 km long mesa, which was first photographed by the Viking 1 orbiter on July 25th, 1976, initially was ...

  6. 23 paź 2006 · Recently, ESA's Mars Express delivered photos of the famous 'Face on Mars' in the Cydonia region. The High Resolution Stereo Camera images are some of the most spectacular views of the Red Planet ever taken. Now, there's a stunning 3D animation of the area.

  7. › wiki › QuinceQuince - Wikipedia

    The quince (/ ˈ k w ɪ n s /; Cydonia oblonga) is the sole member of the genus Cydonia in the Malinae subtribe (which also contains apples and pears, among other fruits) of the Rosaceae family. It is a deciduous tree that bears hard, aromatic bright golden-yellow pome fruit, similar in appearance to a pear.

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