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  1. Peine forte et dure ( Law French for "hard and forceful punishment") was a method of torture formerly used in the common law legal system, in which a defendant who refused to plead ("stood mute") would be subjected to having heavier and heavier stones placed upon their chest until a plea was entered, or death resulted.

  2. Peine forte et dure (franc. „kara silna i długa”) – metoda tortur stosowana dawniej w anglosaskim prawie zwyczajowym w przypadku, kiedy podejrzany odmawiał odpowiedzi na pytanie o przyznanie się do winy. Złożenie oświadczenia o własnej winie lub niewinności było koniecznym wymogiem dla wszczęcia procesu sądowego przed ławą ...

  3. Peine forte et dure, in English law, punishment that was inflicted upon those who were accused of a felony and stood silent, refusing to plead either guilty or not guilty, or upon those who challenged more than 20 prospective jurors. For example, English law permitted defendants the right to.

  4. Prison forte et dure (that is, “strong and hard prison”) is usually described as being the precursor to peine forte et dure. Mention of the practice appears first in a 1275 statute that recommends its use for notorious felons who refused to plead.

  5. › british-and-irish-history › peine-forte-et-durePeine Forte Et Dure |

    23 maj 2018 · peine forte et dure a medieval form of torture in which the body was pressed with heavy weights, to death if necessary. It was used in England on prisoners who refused to accept jury trial; St Margaret Clitherow (1558–86), arrested for harbouring priests, refused to enter a plea, and died while undergoing this torture.

  6. 5 dni temu · peine forte et dure. Quick Reference. After the Lateran Council of the church in 1215 forbade the clergy to take part in ordeals, the king's justices had no means of trying the guilt or innocence of suspected criminals. After a number of experiments they developed the trial jury of twelve men to decide.

  7. Peine forte et dure (strong and hard penance) was a medieval legal practice in which accused felons were fed a starvation diet and weighted with irons to force them to submit a plea to the court in which they were accused. It was used in cases where the defendant stood mute—that is, refused to plead either guilty or innocent, essentially ...

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