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Demerara – rodzaj brązowego, nierafinowanego cukru trzcinowego. Jego jaśniejszy, złoty odcień wynika z procesu technologicznego produkcji, to jest poddaniu półproduktu wirowaniu w celu usunięcia z niego części nieskrystalizowanego soku... Wikipedia
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Demerara – dawna kolonia holenderska istniejąca w latach 1746-1815, położona nad rzeką Demerara, w środkowej części obecnej Gujany. Demerara ...
Demerara is a historical region in the Guianas, on the north coast of South America, now part of the country of Guyana. It was a colony of the Dutch West ...
23 lut 2023 · Learn all about demerara sugar—a caramel-colored coarse form of sugar—from how you can use it, to what it tastes like, to where to find it, ...
11,00 USD W magazynie
On its own, the warm flavor has a nuanced roundness, leaving subtle notes of toffee and caramel on the palate. But rather than overtaking the flavors of the ...
Ocena (2 201) · 9,99 USD · W magazynie
INDIA TREE Demerara Sugar from Mauritius is a large-grained cane sugar with a relatively low molasses content--hence its paler color and milder flavor.
Od 8,85 USD do 85,70 USD W magazynie
India Tree Demerara Sugar from Mauritius is a large-grained, granulated cane sugar with a light amber color and mild molasses flavor.
Od 6,00 USD do 22,40 USD W magazynie
Demerara sugar, pronounced “Dem-err-rare-a”, is a harder to find exotic sugar named after the Demerara River in Guyana.
19 sty 2023 · Demerara sugar is a coarse-grained sugar with a tan color. It's used in baking to add crunch to the tops of baked goods, and for sweetening ...
Ocena (9) · 4,69 USD · W magazynie
Wholesome Natural Demerara Sugar is a golden-colored, turbinado-style sugar with large sparkling crystals and a rich aroma. It is the ultimate topping for ...
Ocena (9) · 11,00 USD · W magazynie
Also Known As: Demerara Brown Sugar, Demerara Cane Sugar or Raw Cane Sugar. ... Taste and Aroma: Sweet, creamy, rich and distinctive. Uses: Natural sweetener for ...