Wyświetlam wyniki dla florida
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Stan USA
Floryda – stan na południowym wschodzie Stanów Zjednoczonych, na półwyspie Floryda otoczonym przez wody Zatoki Meksykańskiej na zachodzie i Oceanu Atlantyckiego na wschodzie. Floryda graniczy na północy z Alabamą i Georgią. Wikipedia
Stolica: Tallahassee
Powierzchnia: 65 758 mi²
Liczba ludności: 22,24 miliona (2022)
florida z en.wikipedia.org
Florida is a state in the Southeastern region of the United States. It borders the Gulf of Mexico to the west, Alabama to the northwest, Georgia to the ...
An online telephone and email directory for State Government agencies and employees in Florida. Copyright ...
florida z www.visitflorida.com
Official state travel, tourism and vacation website for Florida, featuring maps, beaches, events, deals, photos, hotels, activities, attractions and other ...
Więcej pytań
florida z www.fsu.edu
FSU, designated a preeminent university in the state of Florida, is one of the most respected research and learning institutions in the country.
florida z www.flgov.com
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. —Governor Ron DeSantis issued EO 24-94 which designates 12 counties to be under a state of emergency in order to maximize state resources and ...
florida z www.floridahealth.gov
Florida Cancer Connect is a centralized resource hub for information on cancer treatment, caregiver tools, and stories from brave Floridians who have fought ...
florida z dos.fl.gov
The Florida Department of State manages our state's elections, corporations, historical and cultural resources and our libraries. About the Department.
florida z www.ufl.edu
A top five public land-grant research university, the University of Florida creates a collaborative environment and accelerates future solutions.
florida z www.britannica.com
Florida is a geologically young, low-lying plain, mostly less than 100 feet (30 metres) above sea level. The highest point is near the Alabama border in Walton ...
florida z www.fau.edu
Florida Atlantic University (FAU) is a student-centered public research university committed to empowering students who want to make a difference.