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17 wyników wyszukiwania „tacuru” w kategorii: wszystko

Wyświetl tacuru w kategorii Wideo (7)
golf players at the green. Golf club Tacuru, argentina, south america. Drone air view.  Green and fairway. Upward cam movement.
golf club Tacuru, argentina, south america. Air view drone footage. Sunshine and shadows on the fairway. trees. Pan left - anti clockwise.
Golf club Tacuru, Misiones, Argentina, South America. Drone ar view. Panoramic of green and fairways, cinematic, reveal golf club.
Golf club Tacuru, Misiones, Argentina, South America. Drone air view. Panoramic, cinematic clowckwise cam movement, green and runway.
golf club Tacuru, argentina, south america. Air view, drone footage. Sunshine and shadows from clouds on the green and fairway. panoramic reveal pan up,
golf players at the green. Golf club Tacuru, argentina, south america. Drone air view. spotlight on the green. cinematic clockwise cameo.
golf club Tacuru, argentina, south america. Air view, drone footage. Sunshine and shadows from clouds on the green and fairway. panoramic, still cam. drone footage.