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Stan USA
Floryda – stan na południowym wschodzie Stanów Zjednoczonych, na półwyspie Floryda otoczonym przez wody Zatoki Meksykańskiej na zachodzie i Oceanu Atlantyckiego na wschodzie. Floryda graniczy na północy z Alabamą i Georgią. Wikipedia
Stolica: Tallahassee
Powierzchnia: 65 758 mi²
Liczba ludności: 22,24 miliona (2022)
An online telephone and email directory for State Government agencies and employees in Florida. Copyright ...
florida z en.wikipedia.org
Florida is a state in the Southeastern region of the United States. It borders the Gulf of Mexico to the west, Alabama to the northwest, Georgia to the ...
Więcej pytań
florida z www.visitflorida.com
Official state travel, tourism and vacation website for Florida, featuring maps, beaches, events, deals, photos, hotels, activities, attractions and other ...
florida z www.ufl.edu
A top five public land-grant research university, the University of Florida creates a collaborative environment and accelerates future solutions.
florida z www.flgov.com
CORAL GABLES, Fla.—Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced additional actions in Florida to stop human trafficking. The governor will approve $4.9 million in the ...
florida z dos.fl.gov
The Florida Department of State manages our state's elections, corporations, historical and cultural resources and our libraries. About the Department.
florida z www.britannica.com
Florida is a geologically young, low-lying plain, mostly less than 100 feet (30 metres) above sea level. The highest point is near the Alabama border in Walton ...
florida z www.fsu.edu
FSU, designated a preeminent university in the state of Florida, is one of the most respected research and learning institutions in the country.
florida z www.floridahealth.gov
Florida Cancer Connect is a centralized resource hub for information on cancer treatment, caregiver tools, and stories from brave Floridians who have fought ...