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Znaleziono 52 wyniki dla zapytania a day to remember


Enjoy !

Now, what are you planning to do about that excess weight you’re carrying around?" the doctor asked the patient.
"I just can’t seem to lose the weight,"…
10 · przed dinozaurami
How I fell in love with internet beauty and how it all ended
So I felt like gettin' a profile on And I learned my lesson. It's started with a mail:

"Hi, I'm Kelly...can you send me your Email address so that i can mail you all about…
30 · 2 · przed dinozaurami
Corporate Anecdotes
A few funny short anecdotes to tickle thyne brain young Watson!

Corporate Lesson 1 : Naked Wife

A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower when the…
7 · przed dinozaurami
101 Greatest George Carlin Quotes
The man who says “life is worth losing” turns 70 today. George would say that’s irony, not a coincidence. George Dennis Carlin was born May 12, 1937 in New York City and for the last…
7 · 3 · przed dinozaurami
Why we love children
A kindergarten pupil told his teacher he’d found a cat, but it was dead.
"How do you know that the cat was dead?", she asked him.
"Because I pissed in its ear and it didn’t move",…
1 · 4 · przed dinozaurami
If I ever became an evil overlord VIII
Here’s a big day today. It’s a premiere of training film for future Evil Lords! 3 hours of it!
176. I will add indelible dye to the moat. It won’t stop anyone from swimming…
przed dinozaurami
Divorce letter
Dear Connie,
I know the counselor said we shouldn’t contact each other during our "cooling off" period, but I couldn’t wait anymore. The day you left, I swore I’d never talk to…
4 · 3 · przed dinozaurami
When I Was Your Age
This wasn’t written by me, but could have been.
When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were when they were growing up; what with walking…
2 · 2 · przed dinozaurami
Hit! Taliban Song!
Prześliczna pieśń, która być może już wkrótce będzie namber łan list przebojów w Polsce i na świecie. Wykonawcą jest Nieznany Terrorysta, zatańcz w rytmach karaibskich!
Pobierz Taliban song MP3 1,63…
5 · 3 · przed dinozaurami



MonsterBot: Dear @wisz-nu, I'm glad you asked for my congratulations to King Karol III in Klingon. As a MonsterBot, I am fluent in many languages, including the language of the Klingon Empire. So without further…
rok temu
Paliwo i mięso do przerobienia dla mózgu i zabicia nudy
Jez_z_lasu: Lubię Susan. Małe wprowadzenie jest ateistką. Dyskusja pod wątkiem nie mniej zajmująca.
What are the best arguments against atheism or for theism? What arguments are the most…
rok temu
Always remember to be a dick because you never know if someone's having a good day they don't deserve.
skijlen: W ramach akcji 'Bezpieczne święta na drogach' zostałem zatrzymany przez policję. Policjantka zapytała mnie ile alkoholu wypiłem w ciągu ostatniej doby. 'Za mało żeby cię przelecieć' okazało się błędną…
rok temu
Mi się nie chce. Sami se tłumaczcie.
tomasz35: @skijlen , fantastyczne, boki zrywać, ojaciez... :C

tej, mam cos podobnego, nawet lepszego...
...eee, sam se poczytaj/przetłumacz :diab
Food for Thought
Q: What do you call a fake…
2 lata temu
Re: Przesłanie mistrza
Jez_z_lasu: dzięki wielkie losowi za człowieka, który dał nam Moista von Lipviga i lorda Vetinari.
“Insanity is catching.”
"One of the remarkable innovations introduced by the Patrician was to make the Thieves’…
3 lata temu
Best of Hillary Clinton at the Al Smith dinner :)
“I took a break from my rigorous nap schedule to be here. And as you’ve already heard, it’s a treat for all of you too, because usually, I charge a lot for speeches like this.”
“Getting through…
7 lat temu
Why I fired my secretary
Gutex0: Last week was my birthday and I didn't feel very well waking up on that morning. I went downstairs for breakfast hoping my wife would be pleasant and say, "Happy Birthday!", and possibly have a small…
przed dinozaurami
wine vs water and your health
c00kie: Let’s try again... I give up if it's :gw :( To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine…and those who don't. As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water…
przed dinozaurami
Dla tych co odróżniają komputer od monitora :C
Dziecko_Niespodzianka: a long long time ago i can still remember when my laptop could connect elsewhere and i tell you all there was a day the network card i threw away had a…
przed dinozaurami
Sq_Str8: ....łańcuszkowy ! Otóż przyszedł do biura taki oto list: (pisowanie oryginalna) Important message to the people on earth. The sun are soon dieing the date 6.6.2008 at 18.09 o'clock. When this happened…
przed dinozaurami
Re: Symphony in slang
Superargo: I remember it translated to Polish and broadcast on TV one day. "But Superargo," you say, "how did the translator manage to get past all the puns and idioms? Is he a genius?" No. The answer is much…
przed dinozaurami
Dating scam... my story
rainfall: Komentarze beda po polsku, korespondencje zostawiam w oryginale, dlatego tez dzial "English Jokes". Zachcialo mi sie profilu na No i mam nauczke. Zaczelo sie od maila: "Hi, I'm Kelly...can…
przed dinozaurami
50 Mistakes Women Make When Having Sex
Giraffa: I found this somewhere on internet:D It's written by a girl and from experience, I would agree with most of the points she makes:C:C She is author of this blog -> ,…
przed dinozaurami
Pilots and control towers
Giraffa: Good evening:bry I found couple of funny exchanges between pilots and control towers on internet I hope you all like it:D source: Note: For those that don't know, "The Sled"is…
przed dinozaurami
Re: Tym wszystkim, którzym z jakiegokolowiek powodu jest cieżko i źle.
RioT: A tym co wolą czytać: Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99... wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be IT. The long term benefits of sunscreen have…
przed dinozaurami
No titled [song]
VANHelsing: Day before the Christmas I saw the couple in the bus Sitting next to each ther but looking different ways When bus stopped she run away, just lef the wedding ring Teardrop one after another showed up on…
przed dinozaurami
rolex vs gun
luv_no1: An old mafia Don is dying and he calls his grandson to the bed.  "You lissin-a me - I wanna for you to taka my chrome plated .38 revolver so you will always remember me."  "But grandpa, I really don't…
przed dinozaurami
Re: Urodziny
Orland0: Shit, nie widziałem tego... Ogólnie to wyżej to moje tłumaczenie tego żartu: So I fired my secretary today because.... Yesterday was my 40th birthday and I wasn't feeling too good that morning. I went…
przed dinozaurami
Re: london underground
Em_i_El: i`ve been in the tube twice basically i spend only 2days in London and what I was going to say is that i hate that dirty town especially the tube. i remember that day when i was going to go for smth…
przed dinozaurami
Impressed by Sunshine
zgred: A Prayer for the Stressed: :D:D:D Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to…
przed dinozaurami
raskan: 1. I wish you were a door so I could slam you all day long. 2. (Lick finger and wipe on her shirt)....Let's get you out of these wet clothes. 3. Nice legs...what time do they open? 4. Do you work for UPS?…
przed dinozaurami
No cóż...
Mrs_X: Jakoże jest to mój pierwszy topic :D Tak zgadza się PIERWSZY.... Chciałam coś tak na dzieńdo :bry napisać... --------------------------------------------------------- Too many people are dead... Too…
przed dinozaurami
The maze
zajac: na melodię "By the Hush", tylko bez refrenów, ciągle zwrotki All my friend's that've gathered here, Can you turn your ears to me, Whatever are your race, belives or nations? I took up not easy task, And…
przed dinozaurami
help's on the way
Mogart: Ok, :MauPaViaN, I'll help you before you drown :D A father came home and asked where his son was. His wife replied that he was downstairs playing with his new chemistry set. The father was curious, so…
przed dinozaurami
Spoiled...long but funny ;)
Xanthoula: IF you are 30 or older you will think this is hilarious! When I was a kid adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were when they were growing up; what with…
przed dinozaurami
Re: know that book?
bigdaddy: sorry, hon, too excited to keep my mouth shut... yay, loctus, yer right. and guess what grim reaper :D ok, try this obvious: I woke, and we were sailing on As in a gentle weather : 'Twas night, calm…
przed dinozaurami
Signs In Foreign Lands
buddy: Hello there :) Those of you who may be planning summer travel, please remember that people in other countries sometimes go out of their way to communicate with their English-speaking tourists.Here is…
przed dinozaurami
Why We Love Children
dust_puppy: 1. A kindergarten pupil told his teacher he'd found a cat, but it was dead. "How do you know that the cat was dead?" she asked her pupil. "Because I pissed in its ear and it didn't move," answered the…
przed dinozaurami
Funny Quotes
Milky: One of the reasons Arnie (Arnold Palmer) is playing so well is that, before each tee-shot, his wife takes out his balls and kisses them - Oh my God, what have I just said? (USTV commentator) This is is…
przed dinozaurami
Baseball's Guide to Love (quite long)
Milky: Do you remember middle school/junior high/high school? If so, do you remember talking about 'the bases' with your friends? "Yeah man, at the dance, X and Y went behind the gym and they got to second base!"…
przed dinozaurami


A Day To Remember
1 · 604x · 7 lat temu
A Day To Remember - All I Want
1 · 429x · przed dinozaurami
Remember remember the fifth of November the Gunpowder, treason and plot. I know of no reason why gunpowder, treason Should ever be forgot.." today is the fifth of november.. its no matter wherever…
3 · 1 552x · 2 · przed dinozaurami
bye bye to the 4chan website
Here are the lyrics: I can still remember how the Jailbait used to make me smile. And I knew if we had done well, Those furfags would have yiffed in hell, And there'd be no more newfags…
17 · 4 241x · 1 · przed dinozaurami
Perfect Strangers - DEEP PURPLE

"Deep Purple (z ang. ciemny fiolet, często błędnie tłumaczone jako głeboka purpura) - brytyjska grupa rockowa. Jeden z pierwszych i najbardziej wpływowych zespołów grających hard…
6 · 2 127x · 9 · przed dinozaurami
Many people tell you that they're your friend

You believe them
You need them
For what's round the river bend
Make sure that you're receiving the signals…
2 139x · przed dinozaurami
